Ideal distance to bugout location? (For the sake of discussion.)
I assume most of you are in the same position we are, of using a friend/relative’s house or recreational land you already own, but just for the sake of discussion:
All else being equal, how many miles from home would you like a bugout location to be?
What is too close to even consider (too likely to be impacted by the same emergency) and what is too far to even consider (too difficult/dangerous to attempt to reach as things deteriorate?)
I think the sweet spot would probably be in the 40 to 100 mile range – an easy drive by car, and a long but not unreasonable hike were one to end up on foot. (Unfortunately not our reality, as we no longer have a location available in that range, but what I consider ideal.)
I think anything under 5 miles is too close to really count as bugging out, since even something very localized like a chemical spill or a riot could easily effect both.
I would also discount anything so far away that getting there would require boarding a commercial flight, or spending multiple days on the road in a vehicle. In my opinion if the transportation system is still functioning smoothly enough for that, it’s probably not time to bug out.
Of course, there are other variables according to topography, types of disasters likely to strike an area, and geopolitical lines. 100 miles might not be enough to escape a hurricane in a flat landscape, and 1/4 mile might be all it takes to get out of reach of a flooding river in a hilly one. Dispite the overall impracticallity of bugging out by plane, it may be the only way to reach a distant and uninvolved country if your region were ever overun by war.
What are other people’s thoughts on this?
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